Make a Shopping List and App will send you the deals and discounts only related to your wish list.
Find best deals and offer around you so that you don’t waste time in searching deals.
Compare the deals and offers and pick the one which suites you.
Convert all the collected points into Vouchers and use them against your shopping
Receive offers and discounts in your preferred language. We support more than 6 languages
Earn points while you shop and by using this app, then redeem them toward purchases and more.
Sign up for free to start earning rewards.
Every time you add a shop into your favourite list you earn points
Share Favourite shop with your friend and you both earn points
On every purchase get points.
Share Products with your friends to get points
Share an Event with your friends and earn points
Give feedback on retail store and get points
Be the first one to notified by offer or discount. Get notified for an event by a reminder, a days in advance.
Receive offers only from your favourite stores or restaurants
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Don’t get bombarded by unwanted
offers and notifications
Enable and Disable receiving of deals and discount anytime you like
Get the best of both the world. By using our platform and shop online or you can experience the product in your hands and ensure its quality.
App doesn't stop users from buying a product online, you can even shop while you are in/ around the shop/ restaurant.
Add the type of product into wish list and start getting deals and offers related to it. (eg: shoes)
Browse the shop details like, list of products, offers, deals, working hours, address, reviews, website, etc
Never Missing an Offer or deal Get notified with deals and offers
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